In 2005, Kevin Berthia was challenged to his core mentally, physically and emotionally.
His entire life buckled into one moment, and thought there was no other choice but to head to the Golden Gate Bridge...and jump. He was desperately looking for someone to ask him what he was doing, someone to listen, acknowledge, anything. Kevin made it all the way to the bridge, walked to the middle, climbed over the railing and just as he made the decision to release, he heard a voice that saved his life. It was Kevin Briggs, a police officer.
Briggs listened to Berthia for 90 minutes. Unwinding and unloading his entire life to the first person who gave him a real moment to speak and share, for the first time in a long time.
Those 90 minutes of shared time and perspective saved Kevin Berthia's life, and changed it for the better. Literally.
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