Podcast Episode 015 : A Legacy Life - Another Conversation with John Sardella

Podcast Episode 015 : A Legacy Life - Another Conversation with John Sardella
John Sardella is back! 

In this episode, John Sardella, author of "A Journey Without a Map" sat down with us again and is our guest for episode 13. 

In episode 13, we touched on the topic of legacy, and opened up the conversation to a vulnerable place as John shared what he wanted on his gravestone. 

Thinking about death seems to always have a dark tone, but the idea of the legacy we leave behind can be a really beautiful thing. It's a powerful and helpful stepping stone on our journey that allows you to find a deeper meaning for your time on earth, cherish the memories you've created, and reevaluate your choices. John agreed wholeheartedly. 

 Here's our chat. 

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