Podcast Episode 001 : Trying to overcome a vertical climb, one step at a time...

Podcast Episode 001 : Trying to overcome a vertical climb, one step at a time...
What started out as a normal hiking trip, ends in disaster.
A boulder broke free when Andrea Haisch and her brother were mountain climbing; it came crashing down the trail, pinning Andrea's leg. Changing her life forever. 

Haisch shares her experience about the accident that changed the course of her life, and what it's been like conquering life on one foot.

From the accident itself, to the the family and friends helping her in recovery, as well as understanding proper etiquette for visiting people in the hospital, and now living life as an amputee, Andrea's story is nothing short of amazing.

Here's our chat. 

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Podcast Episode 002 : Feeling Comfortable in the Uncomfortable
Choose Your Attitude