Podcast Episode 006 : Deano Brown Talks Playing Fiddle Where the Green Grass Grows

Podcast Episode 006 : Deano Brown Talks Playing Fiddle Where the Green Grass Grows

Nick talks with his long-time road brother, Deano Brown, about the power of music and playing fiddle for one of country music's biggest stars.

Deano explains his journey from bring a young kid who refused to give up, to now being one of Tim McGraw's lead musicians.
Deano shares the band's journey working together on the road, encouraging each other to be the best versions of themselves, working out "gorilla style," and ultimately doing what they love while giving everyone else a chance to escape reality.

In the episode, Deano performs "Brightest Stars," a song he wrote with a group of friends about struggles and hardships and how sometimes when we are at our worst, we often are able to find the best in us.   

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